The southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
Synonyms: confederacy, dixie, dixieland, the Sunny South, South Atlantic States, the Old South, Pre-Civil War South, Southern United States, the New South, the Deep South, territory south of the Mason-Dixon line, cotton belt, tobacco states, sunbelt, bible-belt, down-south, Confederate States, southland, confederate-states-of-america
Situated to the south
Synonyms: southern, southward, on the south side of, in the south, toward the equator, southmost, southernmost, toward the south pole, southerly, austral, tropical, equatorial, in the torrid zone
Moving south
Synonyms: southward, to the south, southbound, headed south, southerly, in a southerly direction, toward the equator
Coming from the south
Synonyms: headed north, northbound, out of the south, from the south, toward the North Pole
Antonyms: north
The cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees
Synonyms: southland, southern section, southern region, tropics, tropical region, equatorial region, south-pole, southern-hemisphere, south arctic region, the Sunny South, South Atlantic States, the Old South, Pre-Civil War South, Southern United States, the New South, the Deep South, due south, territory south of the Mason-Dixon line, cotton belt, tobacco states, sunbelt, bible-belt, down-south, dixie, dixieland, southward, s
In a southern direction
Synonyms: to the south, southwardly, in the south, southwards