امکانات گرامرلی و هوش مصنوعی (AI) برای متون فارسی و انگلیسی


ˈækts ækts
آخرین به‌روزرسانی:
  • گذشته‌ی ساده:

  • شکل سوم:

  • وجه وصفی حال:



(انجیل) کتاب اعمال (عنوان کامل آن: theActsoftheApostles)

تبلیغات (تبلیغات را حذف کنید)

همگام سازی در فست دیکشنری
پیشنهاد بهبود معانی

مترادف و متضاد acts

  1. noun A New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ's Ascension to Paul's sojourn at Rome
    actions deeds acts-of-the-apostles works exploits achievements adventures performances moves steps turns courses procedures efforts commitments measures proposals announcements orders laws statutes decrees ordinances legislations codes bills enactments judgments verdicts documents writs warrants summonses subpoenas bulls edicts clauses leges vires majores civilities amenities urbanities proprieties gyrations feats plays
  1. noun a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
    performances routines sketches numbers turns bits appearances monologues
  1. noun a division of a play
    scenes introductions finales curtains interludes epilogues
  1. noun something that people do or cause to happen
    actions things deeds works
    stoppages cessations suspensions rests quiets reposes inertias
  1. noun a display of insincere behavior
    shows shams pretenses disguises simulations masquerades pose actings affectations
  1. verb play a role or part
    plays performs portrays enacts represents imitates mimics simulates fakes feigns dramatizes impersonates parodies burlesques rehearses hams upstages overacts mugs declaims rants spouts doth
  1. verb have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected
    works operates functions serves performs produces executes achieves develops creates plays pretends represents simulates mimics fakes maneuvers drives runs pursues tries fights combats responds answers behaves comports moves begins proceeds enforces conducts wields exploits persists perseveres labors toils commits decides portrays impersonates prosecutes dissembles officiates pulls consummates perpetrates hustles bestirs counterfeits doth deeds
    stops waits halts rests ceases refrains hesitates abstains awaits idles discontinues
  1. verb perform on a stage or theater
    performs presents gives enacts stages plays dramatizes
  1. noun an action
    actions deeds performances exploits
  1. verb behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself
    behaves seems appears carries bears quits doth comports demeans deports acquits
  1. verb to perform the duties of another
    functions serves officiates
  1. verb behave unnaturally or affectedly
    fakes feigns pretends poses simulates dissembles shams counterfeits

ارجاع به لغت acts

از آن‌جا که فست‌دیکشنری به عنوان مرجعی معتبر توسط دانشگاه‌ها و دانشجویان استفاده می‌شود، برای رفرنس به این صفحه می‌توانید از روش‌های ارجاع زیر استفاده کنید.

شیوه‌ی رفرنس‌دهی:


معنی لغت «acts» در فست‌دیکشنری. مشاهده در تاریخ ۱۴ اسفند ۱۴۰۳، از https://fastdic.com/word/acts

لغات نزدیک acts

پیشنهاد بهبود معانی