account, story
Synonyms: address, announcement, article, blow by blow, brief, broadcast, cable, chronicle, communication, communique, declaration, description, detail, digest, dispatch, handout, history, hot wire, information, message, narration, narrative, news, note, opinion, outline, paper, picture, piece, précis, proclamation, pronouncement, recital, record, relation, release, résumé, rundown, scoop, statement, summary, tale, telegram, tidings, version, wire, word, write-up
gossip, talk
Synonyms: advice, blow by blow, buzz, canard, chat, chatter, chitchat, comment, conversation, cry, dirt, earful, grapevine, hash, hearsay, intelligence, murmur, news, prating, rumble, rumor, scandal, scuttlebutt, small talk, speech, tattle, the latest, tidings, whispering, word
loud noise
Synonyms: bang, blast, boom, crack, crash, detonation, discharge, explosion, reverberation, sound
Antonyms: quiet, silence
Synonyms: character, esteem, fame, name, regard, rep, repute
communicate information, knowledge
Synonyms: account for, advise, air, announce, bring word, broadcast, cable, circulate, cover, declare, describe, detail, disclose, document, enunciate, give an account of, give the facts, impart, inform, inscribe, itemize, list, make known, make public, mention, narrate, note, notify, pass on, present, proclaim, promulgate, provide details, publish, recite, record, recount, rehearse, relate, relay, retail, reveal, set forth, spread, state, summarize, telephone, tell, trumpet, wire, write up
Antonyms: conceal, suppress
present oneself
Synonyms: appear, arrive, be at hand, be present, clock in, come, get to, reach, show, show up, turn up