best, first-class
Synonyms: aristocratic, choice, cool, crack, elect, exclusive, gilt-edged, greatest, noble, out of sight, out of this world, pick, selected, super, tip-top, top, top drawer, topflight, top-notch, upper-class, world-class
Antonyms: common, low-class, lower, lower-class, ordinary, poor, worst
high-class persons
Synonyms: aristocracy, beautiful people, best, blue blood, carriage trade, celebrity, choice, country club set, cream, crème de la crème, crowd, elect, establishment, fast lane, fat, flower, gentility, gentry, glitterati, high society, in-crowd, jet-set, main line, nobility, old money, optimacy, pride, prime, prize, quality, select, society, top, upper class, upper crust
Antonyms: commonality, lower class, low-life, ordinary