careless, impulsive
Synonyms: adventurous, audacious, bold, brash, daring, determined, devil-may-care, fiery, foolhardy, frenzied, furious, harebrained, hasty, headlong, headstrong, heedless, hotheaded, ill-advised, ill-considered, immature, impetuous, imprudent, incautious, indiscreet, injudicious, insuppressible, irrational, jumping to conclusions, madcap, overhasty, passionate, precipitant, precipitate, premature, reckless, thoughtless, unguarded, unthinking, unwary, venturesome, venturous, wild
Antonyms: careful, cautious, planned, thoughtful
outbreak of disease or condition
Synonyms: breakout, epidemic, eruption, flood, hives, pandemic, plague, series, spate, succession, wave