Extremely unpleasant to the senses or feelings
Synonyms: baneful, deleterious, insalubrious, harmful, foul, poisonous, unhealthful, toxic, noxious, pernicious, offensive, repulsive, impure, atrocious, contaminated, nauseous, disgusting, destructive, unnutritious, horrid, septic, corrupt, pestilent, nasty, decayed, contagious, dangerous, lethal, nauseating, detrimental, venomous, evil, envenomed, narcotic, virulent, indigestible, repellent, immoral, tainted, inedible, inimical, germ-infested, disease-ridden, rotten, insalubrious. unhealthy, revolting, putrescent, malignant, putrid, morbid, sickening, unpalatable, spoiled, ugly, pathological, vile, unclean, unhealthy, unsound
Antonyms: healthful, wholesome, nutritious