praise, flattery
Synonyms: acclaim, acclamation, admiration, adulation, applause, appreciation, approval, blessing, bouquet, buttering up, cajolery, commendation, comp, confirmation, congratulations, courtesy, encomium, endorsement, eulogy, favor, felicitation, good word, homage, honor, kudo, laud, laudation, laurels, notice, orchid, ovation, panegyric, pat on the back, posy, regard, respects, sanction, sentiment, tribute, veneration, warm fuzzy
Antonyms: blame, censure, complaint, criticism, denunciation, insult, libel, slander
praise, flatter
Synonyms: acclaim, adulate, applaud, butter up, cajole, celebrate, charm, cheer, commemorate, commend, congratulate, endorse, eulogize, exalt, extol, fawn upon, felicitate, give bouquet, glorify, hail, hand it to, honor, ingratiate oneself with, kudize, laud, magnify, make much of, panegyrize, pat on the back, pay respects, pay tribute to, please, puff up, recommend, roose, salute, sanction, satisfy, sing praises of, soothe, speak highly of, take off hat to, toast, trade last, wish joy to, worship
Antonyms: blame, censure, complain, criticize, denounce, insult, libel, slander