young, new, blooming
Synonyms: bosky, budding, burgeoning, callow, developing, flourishing, foliate, fresh, grassy, growing, half-formed, immature, infant, juvenile, leafy, lush, maturing, pliable, puerile, pullulating, raw, recent, sprouting, supple, tender, undecayed, undried, unfledged, ungrown, unripe, unseasoned, verdant, verduous, youthful
Antonyms: old, withered
Synonyms: callow, credulous, fresh, gullible, ignorant, immature, inexpert, ingenuous, innocent, naive, new, raw, tenderfoot, unconversant, unpolished, unpracticed, unseasoned, unskillful, unsophisticated, untrained, unversed, wet behind the ears, young, youthful
Antonyms: experienced, expert, skilled
emerald in color
Synonyms: apple, aquamarine, beryl, chartreuse, fir, forest, grass, jade, kelly, lime, malachite, moss, olive, pea, peacock, pine, sage, sap, sea, spinach, verdigris, vert, viridian, willow
referring to practices or policies that do not negatively affect the environment
Synonyms: biodegradable, ecological, environmental, environmentally-safe, environment-friendly
square or park in center of town
Synonyms: common, field, grass, grassplot, lawn, plaza, sward, terrace, turf