independence, license to do as one wants
Synonyms: abandon, abandonment, ability, bent, carte blanche, compass, discretion, elbowroom, exemption, facility, flexibility, free rein, full play, full swing, immunity, indulgence, laissez faire, latitude, laxity, leeway, liberty, margin, opportunity, own accord, play, plenty of rope, power, prerogative, privilege, profligacy, rampancy, range, rein, right, rope, scope, sweep, swing, unrestraint
Antonyms: captivity, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, limitation, servitude, slavery
political independence
Synonyms: abolition, abolitionism, autarchy, autonomy, citizenship, deliverance, delivery, democracy, discharge, disengagement, disimprisonment, emancipation, enfranchisement, exemption, extriction, franchise, home rule, immunity, impunity, liberation, liberty, manumission, parole, prerogative, privilege, probation, redemption, release, relief, representative government, rescue, salvage, salvation, self-determination, self-government, sovereignty
Antonyms: communism, government, subjection, subordination, suppression
easy attitude
Synonyms: abandon, boldness, brazenness, candor, directness, disrespect, ease, facility, familiarity, forthrightness, forwardness, frankness, impertinence, informality, ingenuousness, lack of reserve, lack of restraint, laxity, license, openness, overfamiliarity, presumption, readiness, spontaneity, unconstraint
Antonyms: difficulty, limitation, reserve, restraint, restriction