Synonyms: acting, additional, alternate, another, artificial, backup, counterfeit, dummy, ersatz, experimental, false, imitation, makeshift, mock, near, other, provisional, proxy, pseudo, replacement, representative, reserve, second, sham, simulated, spurious, stopgap, substitutive, supplemental, supplementary, supposititious, surrogate, symbolic, temporary, tentative, vicarial, vicarious
someone or something that takes the place of another
Synonyms: agent, alternate, assistant, auxiliary, backup, changeling, delegate, deputy, dernier ressort, double, dummy, equivalent, expediency, expedient, fill-in, ghost, ghost writer, locum, locum tenens, makeshift, pinch-hitter, procurator, proxy, recourse, refuge, relay, relief, replacement, representative, reserve, resort, resource, standby, stand-in, stopgap, sub, succedaneum, successor, supplanter, supply, surrogate, symbol, temp, temporary, temporary expedient, understudy, vicar
Antonyms: permanent
interchange, exchange
Synonyms: act for, alternate, answer for, back up, be in place of, change, commute, cover for, deputize, displace, do the work of, double for, fill in for, fill one’s position, go as, proxy, relieve, replace, serve in one’s stead, spell, stand for, stand in for, sub, supersede, supplant, swap, swap places with, switch, take another’s place, take over