extent, range; stretch
Synonyms: ability, ambit, capacity, command, compass, distance, extension, gamut, grasp, horizon, influence, jurisdiction, ken, latitude, magnitude, mastery, orbit, play, power, purview, radius, scope, spread, sweep, swing
Antonyms: limitation
arrive at
Synonyms: arrive, attain, catch up to, check in, clock in, come, come to, enter, gain on, get as far as, get in, get to, hit, hit town, land, make, make it, make the scene, overtake, ring in, roll in, show, show up, sign in, turn up, wind up at
Antonyms: depart, go, leave
stretch to; touch
Synonyms: approach, attain, buck, carry to, come at, come up to, contact, continue to, encompass, end, equal, extend to, feel for, get a hold of, get hold of, get to, go, go as far as, go on, go to, grasp, hand, hold out, join, lead, lunge, make, make contact with, overtake, pass, pass along, put out, roll on, seize, shake hands, shoot, span, spread, stand, strain, strike
attain; rise
Synonyms: accomplish, achieve, amount to, arrive at, climb to, come to, drop, fall, gain, move, rack up, realize, score, sink, win
Antonyms: fail, lose
communicate with
Synonyms: affect, approach, contact, get, get in touch, get through, get to, influence, keep in contact, keep in touch, maintain, move, sway, touch
Antonyms: miss